our angler NETWORK

Getting products into the hand of our most loyal brand enthusiasts helps us spread the satisfaction and great value of WETFLY products. WETFLY is committed to our grassroots customers and professional industry partners. We encourage you to apply today!


Pro deal program

The Pro Deal Program (PDP) began because we wanted to get our products into the hands of customers who could then share their satisfaction with others and provide us feedback for improvements and new ideas. In the spirit of maintaining this intimate customer relationship in today’s digitally social world spreading the WETFLY brand is initiated by our Pro Deal Program participants via social media and word of mouth. By giving exclusive discounts on new products WETFLY can get products on the market with experts to test, analyze and help promote the brand in return we have a network of anglers that benefit with great deals from WETFLY and create lifelong fishing connections with the network we have created #wetflyfish


How to qualify for our pro deal:

  • Connected in the Outdoor Retail Industry

  • Demonstrate the ability to promote WETFLY products and brands to others

  • Submit Your Application

Benefits include:

  • Exclusive discount on all WETFLY products

  • Opportunities to contribute to new or current product ideas, development and testing

  • Photo credits, and promotion when applicable

Do you live and breath the WETFLY brand and all that it stands for on and off the water?

Or maybe you’re a fly fishing maven, have an audience and like to fish and test out products

Do you like to work for trade or part time?

Do you have special talents like design, marketing, product development, supply chain or any value to add?

WETFLY is a small USA company, we’ve been in business since 1999. Hard work, integrity and a simple goal: To to fund our fly fishing trips by making fly fishing easy and affordable.

If you’re an entrepreneur and have something to bring to the table that benefits a fly fishing business let’s talk. Maybe we can fund your next fly fishing trip.
